
This is basicly a copy of netlib’s ScaLAPACK Routines’ reference page and Auxiliary Routines.

This copy is for my own convenience, and I do not own any of the content.

Name Conventions

Each subroutine name in ScaLAPACK, which has an LAPACK equivalent, is simply the LAPACK name prepended by a P.

All names consist of seven characters in the form PTXXYYY.

Data Types

T Matrix Data Type
_ all of S,D,C,Z unless otherwise noted

Matrix Types

XX Matrix Data Type
DB general band (diagonally-dominant like)
DT general tridiagonal (diagonally-dominant like)
GB general band
GE general (i.e. unsymmetric, in some cases rectangular)
GG general matrices, generalized problem (i.e. a pair of general matrices)
HE (complex) Hermitian
LA no special meaning, only appears in auxiliary routines
OR (real) orthogonal
PB symmetric or Hermitian positive definite band
PO symmetric or Hermitian positive definite
PT symmetric or Hermitian positive definite tridiagonal
ST symmetric tridiagonal
SY symmetric
TR triangular (or in some cases quasi-triangular)
TZ trapezoidal
UN (complex) unitary

Routine Types

YYY Short Explanation Routine Type
BRD bidiagonal reduction reduce to bidiagonal form by orthogonal transformations
HRD Hessenberg reduction reduce to upper Hessenberg form by orthogonal transformations
TRD Tridiagonal reduction reduce a symmetric matrix to real symmetric tridiagonal form
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GST pre-solve gen-eigval reduce a symmetric*definite generalized eigenvalue problem to standard form
EBZ eigval bisection compute selected eigenvalues by bisection
EDC eigval divide and conquer compute eigenvectors using divide and conquer
EIN eigvec inv iteration compute selected eigenvectors by inverse iteration
EVC eigvec by Schur compute the eigenvectors from the Schur factorization
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LQF LQ w/o pivot compute an LQ factorization without pivoting
QLF QL w/o pivot compute a QL factorization without pivoting
QPF QR w/ column pivot compute a QR factorization with column pivoting
QRF QR w/o pivot compute a QR factorization without pivoting
RQF RQ w/o pivot compute an RQ factorization without pivoting
RZF RZ w/o pivot compute an RZ factorization without pivoting
*** *********** ***************************
CON condition number estimate condition number
EQU equilibration equilibrate a matrix to reduce its condition number
TRF Triangular factorization compute a triangular factorization (LU, Cholesky, etc.)
TRI Compute mat inv compute inverse (based on triangular factorization)
TRS Solve linear eqs solve systems of linear equations (based on triangular factorization)
RFS Refine TRS refine initial solution returned by TRS routines
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GBR get unitary mat from BRD generate the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGEBRD
GHR get unitary mat from HRD generate the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGEHRD
GLQ get unitary mat from LQF generate the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGELQF
GQL get unitary mat from QLF generate the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGEQLF
GQR get unitary mat from QRF generate the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGEQRF
GRQ get unitary mat from RQF generate the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGERQF
MBR matmul unitary mat from BRD multiply by the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGEBRD
MHR matmul unitary mat from HRD multiply by the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGEHRD
MLQ matmul unitary mat from LQF multiply by the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGELQF
MQL matmul unitary mat from QLF multiply by the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGEQLF
MQR matmul unitary mat from QRF multiply by the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGEQRF
MRQ matmul unitary mat from RQF multiply by the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxGERQF
MRZ matmul unitary mat from RZF multiply by the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxTZRZF
MTR matmul unitary mat from TRD multiply by the orthogonal/unitary matrix from PxxxTRD

Solving Linear Equations

Given these definitions, the following table indicates the ScaLAPACK subroutines for the solution of systems of linear equations:

                    HE     UN
TRF #   # # #   # # #        
TRS #   # # #   # # #   #    
RFS #           #       #    
TRI #           #       #    
CON #           #       #    
EQU #           #            
QPF #                        
QRF* # #                      
RZF                       #  
GQR*                         #
MQR**                         #

Solving Eigenvalue or SVD Problems

The following table indicates the ScaLAPACK subroutines for finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors or singular values and singular vectors:

HRD #                  
TRD             #      
BRD #                  
EIN               #    
EBZ               #    
EDC               #    
EVC         #     #    
GST             #      

Orthogonal and Unitary Transformations

Orthogonal/unitary transformation routines have also been provided for the reductions that use elementary transformations.


Driver Routines

In addition, a number of driver routines are provided with this release. The naming convention for the driver routines is the same as for the LAPACK routines, but the last 3 characters YYY have the following meanings (note an `X’ in the last character position indicates a more expert driver):

YYY Routine Type
SV factor the matrix and solve a system of equations
SVX equilibrate, factor, solve, compute error bounds and do iterative refinement, and estimate the condition number
LS solve over- or underdetermined linear system using orthogonal factorizations
EV compute all eigenvalues and/or eigenvectors
EVD compute all eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors (using divide and conquer algorithm)
EVX compute selected eigenvalues and eigenvectors
GVX compute selected generalized eigenvalues and/or generalized eigenvectors
SVD compute the SVD and/or singular vectors

The driver routines provided in ScaLAPACK are indicated by the following table:

                    HE HB  
SV #   # # #   # # #      
SVX #           #          
LS #                      
EV                   #    
EVD                   #    
EVX                   #    
GVX                   #    
SVD #                      

Auxiliary Routines

P_LANGE General matrix
P_LANHE (complex) Hermitian matrix
P_LANHS Upper Hessenberg matrix
P_LANSY Symmetric matrix
P_LANTR Trapezoidal matrix
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P_GEBD2 reduce a general matrix to bidiagonal form
P_GEHD2 reduce a square matrix to upper Hessenberg form
P_GELQ2 compute an LQ factorization without pivoting
P_GEQL2 compute a QL factorization without pivoting
P_GEQR2 compute a QR factorization without pivoting
P_GERQ2 compute an RQ factorization without pivoting
P_GETF2 compute the LU factorization of a general matrix
P_HETD2 (complex) reduce a Hermitian matrix to real tridiagonal form
P_ORG2L (real) generate the orthogonal matrix from PxGEQLF
P_ORG2R (real) generate the orthogonal matrix from PxGEQRF
P_ORGL2 (real) generate the orthogonal matrix from PxGEQLF
P_ORGR2 (real) generate the orthogonal matrix from PxGERQF
P_ORM2L (real) multiply by the orthogonal matrix from PxGEQLF
P_ORM2R (real) multiply by the orthogonal matrix from PxGEQRF
P_ORML2 (real) multiply by the orthogonal matrix from PxGELQF
P_ORMR2 (real) multiply by the orthogonal matrix from PxGERQF
P_ORMR3 (real) multiply by the orthogonal matrix from PxTZRZF
P_POTF2 compute the Cholesky factorization of a positive definite matrix
P_SYGS2 (real) reduce a symmetric-definite generalized eigenvalue problem to
P_SYTD2 (real) reduce a symmetric matrix to tridiagonal form
P_TRTI2 compute the inverse of a triangular matrix
P_UNG2L (complex) generate the unitary matrix from PxGEQLF
P_UNG2R (complex) generate the unitary matrix from PxGEQRF
P_UNGL2 (complex) generate the unitary matrix from PxGEQLF
P_UNGR2 (complex) generate the unitary matrix from PxGERQF
P_UNM2L (complex) multiply by the unitary matrix from PxGEQLF
P_UNM2R (complex) multiply by the unitary matrix from PxGEQRF
P_UNML2 (complex) multiply by the unitary matrix from PxGELQF
P_UNMR2 (complex) multiply by the unitary matrix from PxGERQF
P_UNMR3 (complex) multiply by the unitary matrix from PxTZRZF
*** ***********
P_LABAD (real) returns square root of underflow and overflow if exponent range is large
P_LABRD reduce NB rows or columns of a matrix to upper or lower bidiagonal form
P_LACGV (complex) conjugates a complex vector of length n
P_LACHKIEEE (real) performs a simple check for the features of the IEEE standard
P_LACON estimate the norm of a matrix for use in condition estimation
P_LACONSB (real) looks for two consecutive small subdiagonal elements
P_LACP2 copies all or part of a distributed matrix to another distributed matrix
P_LACP3 (real) copies from a global parallel array into a local replicated array or vice versa.
P_LACPY copy all or part of a distributed matrix to another distributed matrix
P_LAED0 Used by PxSTEDC.
P_LAED1 (real) Used by PxSTEDC.
P_LAED2 (real) Used by PxSTEDC.
P_LAED3 (real) Used by PxSTEDC.
P_LAEDZ (real) Used by PxSTEDC.
P_LAEVSWP moves the eigenvectors from where they are computed to a standard block cyclic array
P_LAHEF (complex) compute part of the diagonal pivoting factorization of a Hermitian matrix
P_LAHQR Find the Schur factorization of a Hessenberg matrix (modified version of HQR from EISPACK)
P_LAHRD reduce NB columns of a general matrix to Hessenberg form
P_LAIECTB (real) computes the number of negative eigenvalues in where the sign bit is assumed to be bit 32.
P_LAIECTL (real) computes the number of negative eigenvalues in where the sign bit is assumed to be bit 64.
_LANV2 (complex) computes the Schur factorization of a real 2-by-2 nonsymmetric matrix
P_LAPIV applies permutation matrix to a general distributed matrix
P_LAPV2 pivoting
P_LAQGE equilibrate a general matrix
P_LAQSY equilibrate a symmetric matrix
P_LARED1D (real) Redistributes an array assuming that the input array, BYCOL, is distributed across rows and that all process columns contain the same copy of BYCOL.
P_LARED2D Redistributes an array assuming that the input array, BYROW, is distributed across columns and that all process rows contain the same copy of BYROW. The output array, BYALL, will be identical on all processes.
P_LARF apply (multiply by) an elementary reflector to a general rectangular matrix.
P_LARFB apply (multiply by) a block reflector or its transpose/conjugate-transpose to a general rectangular matrix.
P_LARFC (complex) apply (multiply by) the conjugate-transpose of an elementary reflector to a general matrix.
P_LARFG generate an elementary reflector (Householder matrix).
P_LARFT form the triangular factor of a block reflector
P_LARZ apply (multiply by) an elementary reflector as returned by P_TZRZF to a general matrix.
P_LARZB apply (multiply by) a block reflector or its transpose/conjugate transpose as returned by P_TZRZF to a general matrix.
P_LARZC (complex) apply (multiply by) the conjugate transpose of an elementary reflector as returned by P_TZRZF to a general matrix.
P_LARZT form the triangular factor of a block reflector as returned by P_TZRZF.
P_LASCL multiplies a general rectangular matrix by a real scalar CTO/CFROM P_LASE2
P_LASET initializes a matrix to BETA on the diagonal and ALPHA on the off-diagonals
P_LASMSUB (real) looks for a small subdiagonal element from the bottom of the matrix that it can safely set to zero.
P_LASNBT computes the position of the sign bit of a double precision floating point number P_LASRT
P_LASSQ Compute a scaled sum of squares of the elements of a vector
P_LASWP Perform a series of row interchanges
P_LATRA computes the trace of a distributed matrix
P_LATRD reduce NB rows and columns of a real symmetric or complex Hermitian matrix to tridiagonal form
P_LATRS solve a triangular system with scaling to prevent overflow
P_LATRZ reduces an upper trapezoidal matrix to upper triangular form
P_LAUU2 Unblocked version of P_LAUUM
P_LAUUM Compute the product UU’ or L’L (blocked version)
P_LAWIL forms the Wilkinson transform