In this presentation slides we go through basic definitions in Chapter 11.

(Chapter 11) Entropy and Information

Xiang Li


Reading Goals

Note: we use $\log$ for $\log_2$ throughout the ppt.

Shannon Entropy

Intuitive Assumption for Entropy

To quantify how much info in an event $E$, denoted as $I(E)$, we may want

$I(p) = k\log_2 p$ for some constant $k$ satisfies all above.

Example: encoding 1, 2, 3, 4


Basic Properties of Entropy

The binary entropy

\[H_{\text{bin}}(p) \equiv -p\log p -(1-p)\log(1-p).\]

Example: Mixing probability distribtions

Bob flips $A$ with prob $q$ and $B$ with prob $1-q$, the outcome is tail.

Do you gain more info than with only one coin?

Intuitively, we have (concavity)

\[H(qp_A + (1-q)p_B) \geq qH(p_A) + (1-q)H(p_B).\]

The Relative Entropy (Kullback–Leibler Divergence)

For two prob measures $\mathbb P$ and $\mathbb Q$, defined over the same index set,

\[H(p(x) \| q(x)) \equiv \sum_x p(x)\log\frac{p(x)}{q(x)} = -H_{\mathbb P}(X) -\sum_x p(x) \log q(x).\]

Joint Entropy and Subadditivity of the Shannon entropy

For joint distribution $p(x, y)$ and its marginal distributions $p(x)$ and $p(y)$,

\[H(p(x, y)\| p(x)p(y)) = H(p(x)) + H(p(y)) - H(p(x, y)).\]

We can then deduce that the joint entropy $H(X, Y) \leq H(X) + H(Y)$. Equality iff $X$ and $Y$ are independent.

Conditional Entropy and Mutual Information

The entropy of $X$ conditional on knowing $Y$ is

\[H(X\vert Y) \equiv H(X, Y) - H(Y).\]

The mutual information of $X$ and $Y$, measuring how much info $X$ and $Y$ have in common, is

\[H(X:Y) \equiv H(X) + H(Y) - H(X, Y) = H(X) - H(X\vert Y).\]

(This is actually the relative entropy!)

Basic properties of Shannon Entropy

  1. $H(X, Y) = H(Y, X)$, $H(X:Y) = H(Y:X)$.
  2. $H(Y\vert X)\geq 0$ and thus $H(X:Y)\leq H(Y)$, with equality iff $Y$ is a function of $X$.
  3. $H(X) \leq H(X, Y)$, with equality iff $Y$ is a function of $X$.
  4. (Subadditivity) $H(X, Y) \leq H(X) + H(Y)$, with equality iff $X$ and $Y$ independent.
  5. $H(Y\vert X) \leq H(Y)$ and thus $H(X:Y) \geq 0$, with equality in each iff $X$ and $Y$ independent.
  6. (Strong subadditivity) $H(X, Y, Z) + H(Y) \leq H(X, Y) + H(Y, Z)$, with equality iff $Z\rightarrow Y\rightarrow X$ a Markov chain.
  7. (Conditioning reduces entropy) $H(X\vert Y, Z) \leq H(X\vert Y)$.

Chaining Rule for Conditional Entropies

Let $X_1, \dots, X_n$ and $Y$ be any set of random variables. Then

\[H(X_1, \dots, X_n \vert Y) = \sum_{i=1}^n H(X_i \vert Y, X_1, \dots, X_{i-1}).\]

The Data Processing Inequality

As processing data, the information about the output of a source decresae with time:

Once information has been lost, it is gone forever.

Suppose $X\rightarrow Y \rightarrow Z$ is a Markov chain, then

\[H(X) \geq H(X:Y) \geq H(X:Z).\]

The first inequality is saturated iff, given $Y$, it is possible to reconstruct $X$.

Also, (data pipelining inequality)

\[H(Z:Y) \geq H(Z:X).\]

Von Neumann Entropy

Now we are to describe entropy with Quantum states.

The entropy of a quantum state $\rho$ is defined as

\[S(\rho) \equiv - \text{tr}(\rho \log \rho).\]

If $\lambda_x$ are the eigenvalues of $\rho$,

\[S(\rho) = -\sum_x \lambda_x \log \lambda_x.\]


Quantum Relative Entropy

Similarly we can define the relative entropy of $\rho$ to $\sigma$:

\[S(\rho\|\sigma) \equiv \mathrm{tr}(\rho\log\rho) - \mathrm{tr}(\rho\log\sigma),\]

which can also be $+\infty$.

Klein’s Inequality

The quantum relative entropy is non-negative,

\[S(\rho\|\sigma) \geq 0,\]

with equality iff $\rho=\sigma$.


Let $\rho = \sum_i p_i\ket{i}\bra{i}$ and $\sigma = \sum_j q_j\ket{j}\bra{j}$ be orthonormal decopositions.

\[S(\rho\|\sigma) = \sum_i p_i \log p_i - \sum_i \bra{i}\rho\log\sigma \ket{i},\] \[\bra{i}\rho\log\sigma \ket{i} = \bra{i} \left(\sum_j\log q_j \ket{j}\bra{j}\right)\ket{i} = \sum_j \log q_j P_{ij},\]

where $P_{ij} = \braket{i\vert j}\braket{j\vert i}$.

\(S(\rho\|\sigma) = \sum_i p_i\left(\log p_i - \sum_j P_{ij} \log q_j\right).\) Note that $P_{ij} > 0$ and each rowsum and each colsum are 1. Use the convexity of $\log$, we have \(S(\rho\|\sigma) \geq \sum_i p_i \left(\log p_i - \log \left(\sum_j P_{ij}q_j\right)\right),\)

where equality iff $\max_j P_{ij} = 1$ (hence $P$ is a permutation). Thus we may use the result from classical relative entropy to conclude.

Basic properties of Von Neumann Entropy

  1. Entropy is non-negative. Entropy is 0 iff the state is pure.
  2. Entropy is at most $\log d$ in a $d$-dimensional Hilbert space. Equality iff the state is a completely mixed state $I/d$.
  3. Suppose a composite system $AB$ is in a pure state, then $S(A) = S(B)$.


For 2., from $0\leq S(\rho|I/d) = -S(\rho) + \log d$.

For 3., from the Schmidt decomposition, we know that the eigvals of $\rho^A$ and $\rho^B$ are the same. Entropy is determined completely by the eigvals, so $S(A) = S(B)$.

Recall Quantum Basics Defs & Facts

(Pure) State: $\ket{\psi} = \sum_i a_i\ket{i}$, $\sum_i\vert a_i\vert ^2= 1$.

Ensemble of pure states: ${p_i, \ket{\psi_i}}$. (mixed state)

Density operator: $\rho \equiv \sum_i p_i\ket{\psi_i}\bra{\psi_i}$. $\mathrm{tr}(\rho)=1,\mathrm{tr}(\rho^2)\leq1$.

$\mathrm{tr}(\rho^2)=1$ iff $\rho$ corresponds to a pure state.

$\rho = \frac{I+\vec r\cdot \vec\sigma}2$, Bloch representation, $|r|_2\leq1$, with equality iff $\rho$ corresponds to a pure state.

Schmidt Decomposition

Suppose $\ket{\psi}$ is a pure state of a composite system $AB$. Then there exist orthonormal states $\ket{i_A}$ and $\ket{i_B}$ for $A$ and $B$ respectively, such that, \(\psi = \sum_i\lambda_i\ket{i_A}\ket{i_B},\) where $\lambda_i$ are non-negative real numbers known as Schmidt co-efficients satisfying $\sum_i\lambda^2_i=1$. The number of non-zero $\lambda_i$ is called the Schmidt number. Schmidt number is 1 iff $\rho^A$ ($\rho^B$) is a pure state.

  1. Suppose $p_i$ are probabilities, and the states $\rho_i$ have support on orthogonal subspaces. Then \(S\left(\sum_i p_i\rho_i\right) = H(p_i)+\sum_i p_iS(\rho_i).\)
  2. (Joint entropy theorem) Suppose $p_i$ are probs, $\ket{i}$ are orthogonal states for a system $A$, and $\rho_i$ is any set of density operators for another system $B$. Then \(S\left(\sum_i p_i\ket{i}\bra{i}\otimes \rho_i\right) = H(p_i)+\sum_i p_iS(\rho_i).\)

For 4., (and similarly 5.) let $\lambda_i^j$ and $\ket{e_i^j}$ be the eigvals and corresponding eigvecs of $\rho_i$. Observe that $p_i\lambda_i^j$ and $\ket{e_i^j}$ are the eigvals and corresponding eigvecs of $\sum_i p_i\rho_i$, and thus

\[\begin{aligned} S(\sum_i p_i\rho_i) &= -\sum_{ij}p_i\lambda_i^j \log (p_i \lambda_i^j)\\ &= -\sum_ip_i\log p_i - \sum_i p_i \sum_j \lambda_i^j \log \lambda_i^j\\ &= H(p_i) + \sum_ip_iS(\rho_i) \end{aligned}\]
  1. $S(\rho\otimes\sigma) = S(\rho) + S(\sigma)$.

This is a immediate result from 5.

Similarly for composite quantum systems, we can define

Some properties of the Shannon entropy fail to hold for the von Neumann entropy.

Example: $H(X) \leq H(X, Y)$ v.s. $(\ket{00}+\ket{11})/\sqrt2$.

Or we may state the result $S(B\vert A) = S(A, B) - S(A)$ can be negative.

More precisely, for a pure state $\ket{AB}$, it is entangled ($A$ and $B$) iff $S(B\vert A) < 0$.

Measurements and Entropy

We first state the two conclusions:

Suppose $P_i$ is a complete set of orthogonal projectors and $\rho$ is a density operator. Then the entropy of the state $\rho’ \equiv \sum_iP_i\rho P_i$ is at least as great as the original,

\[S(\rho') \geq S(\rho),\]

with equality iff $\rho=\rho’$.


From Klein’s inequality, $0 \leq S(\rho’|\rho) = -S(\rho) - \mathrm{tr}(\rho\log \rho’)$.

\[\begin{aligned} \mathrm{tr}(\rho\log\rho') &= \mathrm{tr}\left(\sum_iP_i \cdot \rho\log\rho'\right)\\ &= \mathrm{tr}\left(\sum_iP_i^2 \cdot \rho\log\rho'\right)\\ &= \mathrm{tr}\left(\sum_iP_i \cdot \rho\log\rho' P_i\right)\\ \end{aligned}\]

With $\rho’P_i = P_i\rho P_i = P_i\rho’$ we have \(\mathrm{tr}(\rho\log\rho') = \mathrm{tr}\left(\sum_iP_i \cdot \rho P_i\log\rho' \right) = -S(\rho').\)

This gives $S(\rho’) \geq S(\rho)$.

A sample for generalized measurements that decrease entropy

$M_1 = \ket{0}\bra{0}$, and $M_2=\ket{0}\bra{1}$.

$\rho\rightarrow M_1\rho M_1^\dagger + M_2\rho M_2^\dagger$ may decrease the entropy of the qubit.

Subadditivity and Triangle Inequality

The subadditivity is a simple application of Klein’s inequality, $S(\rho) \leq -\mathrm{tr}(\rho\log\sigma)$ with $\rho\equiv \rho^{AB}$ and $\sigma\equiv \rho^A\otimes \rho^B$.

To prove the triangle inequality, introduce a system $R$ which purifies systems $A$ and $B$, applying subadditivity we have $S(R) + S(A) \geq S(A, R)$.

Since $ABR$ is in pure state, $S(A, R) = S(B)$ and $S(R) = S(A, B)$, which gives $S(A, B) \geq S(B) - S(A)$.

Concavity of the Entropy

The entropy is a concave function of its inputs, i.e.,

\[S\left(\sum_ip_i\rho_i\right) \geq \sum_ip_iS(\rho_i),\]

with equality iff all the $\rho_i$s are the same.

Sketch of proof.

Suppose the $\rho_i$ are states of a system $A$. Introduce an auxiliary system $B$ such that

\[\rho^{AB} \equiv \sum_i p_i\rho_i\otimes \ket{i}\bra{i}.\]

The concavity is essentially the subadditivity of $S(A, B) \leq S(A) + S(B).$

The Entropy of a Mixture of Quantum States

Also there is an upper bound on the entropy of a mixture of quantum states:

\[\sum_ip_iS(\rho_i) \leq S\left(\sum_ip_i\rho_i\right) \leq \sum_ip_iS(\rho_i) + H(p_i).\]

As intuition, our uncertainty about the state $\sum_ip_i\rho_i$ is never more than the average uncertainty about $\rho_i$, plus an additional uncentainty about the index $i$.

Equality holds iff the states $\rho_i$ have support on orthogonal subspaces.


We start with the pure state case, $\rho_i = \ket{\psi_i}\bra{\psi_i}$. Suppose $\rho_i$ are the states of a system $A$, and introduce an auxiliary system B with an orthonormal basis $\ket{i}$ corresponding to the index $i$ on $p_i$. Define

\[\ket{AB} \equiv\sum_i\sqrt{p_i}\ket{\psi_i}\ket{i}.\]

Since $\ket{AB}$ is a pure state we have

\[S(B) = S(A) = S\left(\sum_ip_i\ket{\psi_i}\bra{\psi_i}\right) = S(\rho).\]

Then, if we perform a projective measurement on $B$ in the $\ket{i}$ basis, getting a state $B’$:

\[\rho^{B'} = \sum_i p_i\ket{i}\bra{i}.\]

Since projective measurements never decrease entropy, we have

\[S(\rho) = S(B) \leq S(B') = H(p_i).\]

Since $S(\rho_i) = 0$ for the pure state case, we have

\[S(\rho) \leq H(p_i) + \sum_i p_iS(\rho_i).\]

Equality is easily seem to occur iff $\ket{\psi_i}$ are orthogonal.

The mixed state case is easy using the pure state result. Let $\rho_i = \sum_jp_j^i\ket{e_j^i}\bra{e_j^i}$ be orthonormal decompositions for $\rho_i$, so

\[\rho = \sum_{ij}p_ip_j^i\ket{e_j^i}\bra{e_j^i}.\]

With $\sum_jp_j^i=1$ for each $i$, using pure state result,

\[S(\rho) \leq -\sum_{ij}p_ip_j^i\log (p_ip_j^i) = H(p_i) + \sum_i p_iS(\rho_i).\]

Strong Subadditivity

The subadditivity extending to three systems:

\[S(A, B, C) + S(B) \leq S(A, B) + S(B, C).\]

The remaining of chapter 11 is not included in this presentation yet.

Thank you